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Benefits of Direct Mail

Updated: Apr 1, 2024

Direct mail is one of the effective marketing strategies used by businesses coming from different industries. We want you to make the correct move for your business, and that’s why we gathered all the benefits of direct mail.

In a marketing era dominated by digital channels, your business can use the advantages of direct mail and leverage its high effectiveness. Let’s find out what you can gain from starting a direct mail campaign so you can do a proper assessment.

Benefits of Direct Mail

Direct mail is one of the many marketing strategies your business can utilize. The latest statistics predict that the market will notice an annual growth rate of 1.22% between 2024 and 2028. Financial-wise, direct mails as a strategy are expected to bring $61.1 billion to businesses like yours.

These predictions seem promising, but before you decide to try it out, it is important to understand the benefits of direct mail marketing. They range from personalization for the target group to excellent response rates. Knowing the advantages of direct mail will make your decision easier and assist you in determining whether it is the right method your company should use.

Benefits of Direct Mail
Source: / Photo Contributor: Thinglass

1. Highly targeted and personalized marketing strategy

Personalization is an important aspect of every marketing campaign. In fact, 59% of U.S. respondents in a survey answered that marketing personalization is a highly important factor in determining their loyalty to a brand.

Using our direct mail marketing and the best brand printing services, you will be able to send out personalized messages to your target group according to their demographic information. Unlike other forms of advertising, direct mail uses printed materials that are delivered to current or potential consumers.

Getting promotional materials, catalogs, coupons or other advertising matters in the mail personalizes the experience of the receiver. In addition, you can use different research methods to analyze the behavior and needs of the customers and send out materials that will strike an interest.

2. Direct mail has high response rates

Compared to digital marketing, the chances of the target group receiving the message of direct mail are higher. It is more likely for people to open up a letter and read what it is about when they get it in their postbox, rather than some ad displayed on social media channels they can scroll easily through and not notice it. According to the State of Direct Mail Consumer Insights Report, 85% of consumers read the direct mail they get.

Wondering why is direct mail effective? Well, people find letters reliable. Consumers will rather trust a brand that uses direct mail marketing than other strategies. Direct mail is considered safe and familiar marketing by most of the consumers. In fact, it is one of the top advertising types people are comfortable receiving.

Consequently, the response rates to direct mail in the U.S. are high among all generations. That makes it a suitable advertising method for both businesses that have wide target groups or want to reach out to a specific audience.

The most common responses to receiving direct mail are:

  • Searching for the advertised brand or product online

  • Checking out the website of the business

  • Looking for reviews about the business

  • Purchasing or signing up for a service offered in the direct mail

  • Visiting the business in person

But what is the success rate of direct mail? The response rate of direct mail is 4.4%, which is higher than most other marketing strategies.

3. Narrows down the competition

Nowadays, many businesses focus only on digital marketing, with sending mail being among the most popular marketing strategies. In fact, 82% of marketers said they send out mails for their online marketing strategies. More specifically, marketers tend to send out 2-3 emails daily. 

Having these numbers in mind, we can conclude that the competition for doing digital, especially email marketing, is huge. In addition, most of the receivers of email marketing see it as overwhelming because they receive too many emails.

Luckily, our experience has shown that isn’t the case with direct mail. Households receive 461 direct mail pieces per year. Most of them are regular marketing mail, while 93 are non-profit marketing mail.

One of the biggest advantages of direct mail is that there is far less competition compared to other marketing strategies. Your chances of making an impression and achieving your objectives are generally higher with direct mail.

Narrows down the competition
Source: / Photo Contributor: Pegasus Pics

4. Easily measurable campaign performance

While many think that you can’t measure the effectiveness and ROI of direct mail campaigns, the reality is different. There are many metrics that can be used, such as:

  • Response rates

  • Conversion rates

  • Cost per acquisition

  • Average revenue per order

  • Referral link clicks

  • Customer acquisition KPIs (visitor-to-lead ratio, channel-wise sales revenue, landing page conversion rate)

  • Customer retention rate and KPIs

  • Customer lifetime value,

  • Traceable codes customers can redeem

5. Direct mail is consistent

Next on the list of benefits of direct mail in business is the consistency of the marketing strategy. Direct mail will allow your business to reach your targeted audience reliably over time.

For instance, digital marketing channels are constantly affected by algorithm changes or ad overwhelming. Conversely, our direct mail services offer your business a physical presence that prospects can’t ignore easily.

Also, direct mail will give you a level of predictability and consistency in reaching potential customers. We can plan and schedule the campaigns in advance, allowing you to manage production and fulfillment.

6. Variety of options to choose from

At CityPress, you can choose between different types of paper for printing your promotional materials. You can get creative and enhance the experience of the reader by making interactive and interesting materials. You can even make the promotional materials in 3D or pop-up mail to grab the reader's attention.

In addition, you have different types of direct mail materials, including brochures, postcards, letters, catalogs, coupon envelopes, flyers, newsletters, dimensional mailers, and much more.

Why Choose the Direct Mail Services of CityPress

To enjoy the direct mail benefits worry-free, you should partner up with us. At CityPress, we offer the best direct mail services, which include:

  • Automated assembly

  • Certified mailing lists

  • Mail designed and sorted according to the latest postal regulations

  • Sending the direct mail directly from our facility

With us, you can have everything you need in one place. Our professional team can take care of the direct mail printing and mailing for you.

But the benefits of direct mail services don’t end there. In addition, our services are fast, affordable and convenient.

If you use our services instead of coordinating mailing in-house, you can take advantage of our specialized computer program for barcoding and mail sorting. Because of this, you will be saving money on postage. Your direct mail will qualify for the lowest rates.

Why Choose the Direct Mail Services of CityPress
Source: / Photo Contributor: GREG PATTON


For every decision about your business, you must weigh the pros and cons. There are several benefits of direct mail you should be aware of. For example, personalized marketing campaigns, high response rates, less competition, measurable results, consistency, and a variety of direct mail types. If you are ready to take advantage of this effective marketing strategy, we are ready to make it hassle-free. Contact us today, and see how we can assist you.

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